Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Editor's Letter

     EAL is the epitome of all life. Yup, we're that awesome. No, but seriously, our world revolves around entertainment, art, and life. Granted life really does just embody everything, but entertainment and art are what keep us going. Music is a necessity of life for young and older people alike. Celebrity gossip is interesting no matter who you are, regardless of what is going on in the Kardashians' lives. Movies, books, and pictures keep us occupied and are great ways to pass time. Essentially, entertainment, art, and life define what life is like for our generation.
    That's why we're here! EAL is here to tell you all about the latest fashion trends, give you advice on that hard relationship rut you're stuck in, notify you of what's going on in the entertainment world, and even relay valuable information about fitness and beauty. Oh and of course, we can't forget the awesome pictures, drawings, and paintings that all of these aspiring artists are able to show us. EAL brings together every aspect of life and manifests it in different perspectives and lights. 
     So knock yourself out. Learn about the latest trends featured in the malls from our fashion guru. Read about relationship advice provided by our very own gay best friend. Check out the most amazing drawings and paintings from artists with immense talents. See the best fitness options from apparel to workout choices. Last but not least, get informed on the latest entertainment news, who's hot, and the best movies and tv shows to watch. 
    The table of contents to your left is your one stop shop to everything you need to know about entertainment, art, and life. Enjoy our very first issue, happy holidays, and have a fantastic new year!!!

- Sarah

Pon and Zi

Don't like what we offer? Are we missing something you'd like to see? E-mail us suggestions at and we'll make it reality!!