Monday, February 21, 2011

Fitness/Beauty - February

Romance in Beauty
(hair and lashes that touch the sky and beyond)
--- Lena Lam

    Whether it’s a first date or a date on a special day (such as Valentine’s Day), there is a substantial amount of pressure to look your best to impress that special someone. Girls can spend anywhere from an hour to several hours preparing for a date. After all, the perfect outfit can only be found after trying on a gazillion of other ones first; factor in the time it takes to decide on matching accessories, makeup, and hair, and you’ve just spent the last five hours preparing for a date that will last half that time. Guys may go through only a couple of outfits and/or hairstyle changes while getting ready, but they’re still just as anxious as the girls are. 

     This may sound like a stupid or an obvious piece of advice (it depends on how long it typically takes you to get ready), but I have to say it: relax. They already agreed to go out with you, so why are you fussing so much about every little detail? Unless you came off as a perfection addict when you got the person to agree to a date, quit thinking about how your makeup should match both your dress and HIS eyes. Think of it as an opportunity for you two to spend time with each other—and, wait for it—while being yourselves. It’s such a simple concept, but with all of the pre-date jitters, most people usually forget the ultimate purpose of a date.
     What happens when people forget? Suddenly, the girl sitting across the dinner table looks 20 years older (and not in a good way) than when you asked her out. Or, the guy sitting next to you in the dim theater has so much gel in his hair that you start to wonder if you’ll ever be able to run your hands through his hair without stabbing yourself.
     Yes, you should look better than you did when you rolled out of bed this morning. No, you should not look like you’re going to a photo shoot. Or, conversely, you should not look like a raccoon just because you said to yourself “psh, that’s not enough makeup to give me smoky, sexy looking eyes.”

     Okay, enough with the ranting about pre-date jitters. Here’s some advice about what to do with your makeup and/or hair:
     If you’re comfortable with your potential beau, use little or no makeup. Girls and guys, keep your hair simple. Either let it down or apply just a little gel (or hair putty, if you want to avoid having literally spiky hair) to create that tousled look. (Of course, keep in mind the length of your hair, whether you’ll be ice skating or watching a movie, and how accustomed to the style you are.)

     If you’re going to a semi-formal event or restaurant, apply some makeup. More specifically, at the least, apply concealer and foundation, as well as a little blush. Your eyes should not be heavily made up; eyeliner will make your eyes stand out more, but too much eye shadow and/or mascara will have the opposite effect (i.e. they will make your eyes look smaller). A little lip gloss and curling the ends of your hair (again, consider how long your hair is) will complete your look. Guys, make sure your hair isn’t too messy, or mess-less; it’s semi-formal, so you have some wiggle room with how your hair should look.

     If you’re going to a place where everyone is dressed to the nines, consider adding eye shadow, mascara, lip liner, and lipstick to the semi-formal look. Also, consider water-proof makeup and how long you’ll have the makeup on; you may need to refresh your makeup after a while, so keep them in your purse. Girls, depending on the style of your dress/attire, put up your hair in a French bun (simple or elaborate) or curl your hair. Guys, go for a fresh hairstyle that works for you, whether it be just going with your buzz cut, tousled hair, or slightly gelled back hair.

     Regardless of which numbered date it is or where you’re going, remember to maintain a balance among your makeup, hair, attire, and most importantly, you! All of those things are essentially accessories that accentuate your best qualities. Don’t lose yourself in unnecessary makeup or hairspray. Trust me, it won’t be pretty. 
Food Supplement Wars
--- Sarah Luo

     Diet pills have a horrible reputation when it comes to weight loss. Some say that they'll actually make you heavier unless you continually take them. Others will tell you that they are just plain unhealthy. Instead you’re told that working out and eating healthier is the best way to go. Eating healthier and exercise are definitely key, but unless you’re eating from all five food groups and making sure of portion size, calories, and vitamin intake, your body may not break down the fat fast enough and you may still be missing essential nutrients. 

    No fear, there are other ways to get the nutrients you need bunched up into a little thing called dietary supplements. Dietary supplements can range from pills, to shakes, to juices. Some would consider dietary supplements an unnecessary part of your everyday routine, but there are those who would consider them to be more like health food. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary, 2007 states that health food is simply “a food believed to be highly beneficial to health.” This is basically what dietary supplements are, though there is also a very common misconception that comes along when talking about them. Supplements are not some magic pill that makes you automatically lose weight without any outside exercise or dieting. Rather, they are used so that you have your necessary daily vitamin intake, which will, along with diet and exercise, ultimately help you in reaching your weight loss goals. 
    Some good dietary supplements include Shakeology and Muscle Milk. Shakeology is a shake marketed by Beach Body Fitness and can be used both as a meal replacement or as an alternate daily vitamin intake. Shakeology has all of the vitamins you need to keep a healthy body and is equivalent to five servings of vegetables (per scoop of powder). Many use it as a diet aid in that they drink Shakeology instead of eating a full meal. Supplements like Shakeology work by speeding up your body's metabolism and fat break down. This product, and others like it, run very expensive however, because of the abundance of nutrients which make it up such as Acai and Vitamins B, C, and D. If you are interested, then they can be purchased from $90-$120 on the Beach Body Fitness website, or from an Independent Beach Body Coach. 

     Muscle Milk is another similar supplement, but a bit different from Shakeology. Muscle Milk not only has all the vitamins and nutrients you need, it is also contains an enhanced protein to help in “lean muscle growth and fast recovery from exercise.” Muscle Milk is a great aid for those that work out intensely, whether it be weight lifting or cardio. Like Shakeology, Muscle Milk burns fat faster, but instead of being used as a meal replacement, Muscle Milk should be consumed before or after workouts for better workout results. Just a heads up, the taste of Muscle Milk is a different from any kind of shake or milk you've ever had. Some like it and some just can't get used to it, so make sure you try it before you commit to it as a daily habit. Muscle Milk can be bought at any GNC store for as low as $20. 

     These are just a couple of the better diet supplements you can choose from. Not all are great, but they all ultimately achieve the same goal and that is to help you retain all the nutrients and proteins you need daily. They are very effective when it comes to strenuous workouts and can help you maintain a healthy diet. Diet supplements aren’t necessarily bad for the body, but when it comes to diet pills, you definitely need to be cautious. Diet pills such as Hydroxycut or Alli have varied results, so make sure you are very careful in considering one of those programs for your weightloss. Also be mindful of what your body can take, try samples (if possible) first before committing to a full program. There are plenty of options out there, so never feel like you're stuck to just one pill or just one shake. Health is the new revolution, and there are tools for you to be successful with it, so why not just give it a try? Who knows, you might end up really liking one.

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