Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Diary of a PROCRASTINATING College Student - June

Procrastinators unite!.....later. I'd love to say that I never procrastinate. But, if you know me at all, especially after this issue of EAL, you'll see that that is absolutely not true. I procrastinate all the time. Maybe that's why I didn't start studying for my psychology final this past semester until the day of the final. The final was at 7 p.m. so I basically had from 10 a.m. until then. That wasn't a very smart idea. It's interesting to see that procrastination has almost become a norm for everyone. You'll have a deadline for some project or assignment and you'll think, "oh it's not due for a couple days, I can go do something completely unimportant and irrelevant for 3 days" and then by the time you realize it's due, you have exactly 20 minutes. Oops.

What's funny is, procrastination sucks. It sucks so bad I can't even fathom how bad it sucks. Except, we still do it regardless. It's almost like being addicted to candy...that sounded better in my head. Anyways, I think that a little procrastination isn't bad, but if it delays you to the point where you're pulling out your hair because you'll be incredibly late for a multi-million dollar project, then you need to stop. Or get some help.

Some say the best way to prevent procrastination is by planning out everything you do. What's funny about that is, the plan almost always falls through. Because you begin to procrastinate...yet again. Ironic huh? The prevention eventually leads to the reason for the prevention. I find that a very good way to avoid procrastination is pressure. If I'm under excessive pressure or instruction to get a particular job done, I'll get it done sooner or right in that moment. I know that that's quite impossible to have someone breathing down your neck all the time, but that's what friends are for! If you have a project or goal you need to get done, then have your friend help you get through those super hard times when you're tempted to waste 10 days on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr (this is what I do...I know productive isn't it?).

Alright, I think I've rambled on for a quite a bit now. Notice how through all of this, I haven't actually told you anything important. I'm procrastinating on that part...just so you get my point. Procrastination is ok in moderation, but please...control yourselves. Motivate yourselves. I find that yummy chocolate or awesome ice cream is a good motivator to make yourself do your work. Reward yourself at the end of your project or job, because then you'll actually have incentive to get it done quick!

-- Sarah Luo

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